[7] Garies (Namaqua)


a welcoming entrance…

About 151km northwest of Vanrhynsdorp, on the N7, one reaches the small village of Garies.
The town was founded in 1845. Land was given to the Dutch Reformed Church by the owner of the farm Goedeverwagting. The town and its episodic river, derive their name from the Khoe word ~Xharis – the name for the couch grass that grows in the valley. Nearer to the sea, the river is known as the groen river.

A town view

A town view


  • Letterklip formations – a collection of large bolders and stone walls on which early travellers engraved their names 
  • Hiking Trails at Rooiberg and Roodebergkloof
  • A Memorial on a hill, just south of the town,marks the grave of a British officer
  • Springflowers – in the Kamiesberg