48km north from Garies, lies Kamieskroon – among the granite rock formations of the Kamiesberg range.
The first Dutch Reformed parish of Namaqualand was founded in 1864 on the farm Wilgenhoutskloof (7km north of current Kamieskroon). It was first named after the district surgeon, Dr Henry Bowe as Bowesville and later the name was changed to Bowesdorp.
The town was rebuild in 1924 as Kamieskroon. Kamies (from the nama word ‘~kam‘) – meaning two and referring to the twin peaks of the mountain. ‘~kroon‘ – refers to the cleft and strangely twisted ‘crown’ of sneeukop, a kilometer from the village.
- Spring Flowers – The Kamiesberg region
- Paulshoek – A culture Camp in the heart of the Kamiesberge – matjieshuts and traditional meals
- Namaqua National Park – 21km northwest of Kamieskroon (103 000 ha)
- Lt DJ Darter’s Grave – The grave of a British officer killed during the Anglo-Boer War, Darter’s grave – 15km south of the town.
- Leliefontein – A mission station in the heart of the Kamiesberg range with a sundial on display – presented to the founder, Reverend Barnabas Shaw, in 1828